Din 300 Adaptor to 1/8BSP male treads
This DIN 300 male adaptor to 1/8bsp male tread is made of one massive piece of stainless steel for maximum safety and durability.
There is a basic model with Din300 to G1/8 treads (This one) and a model with a safety burst disk connection.
When you want maximum safety, specially when you are shooting tethered, it would be better to use the version with the optional burst disk.
This DIN 300 adapter is standard equipped with a 5000 PSI burst disk, but it can be changed by any other UN3/8-24 treaded burst disk (available in every paintball store) so you can match the burst disk with the maximum fill pressure of your specific rifle. So if you would overfill the rifle per accident the burst disk will pop out and release the pressure.
The DIN300 adapter can be screwed directly into our External inline Regulator or any other Din 200/300 scubatank.