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STUD DTM FX Impact .25 (23RD)

STUD DTM FX Impact .25 (23RD)

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  • What It Does

    The STUD DTM Loader is another great way to get your pellets into your FX Factory magazines in about 35 seconds (see the video). While our Stud Feeder/Loaders are great if you want to load allot of pellets into one or more STUD Loaders, the STUD DTM Loader is great for direct loading of individual FX factory magazines. 

    How It Works:

    1. Stake your first pellet into your magazine as usual.
    2. Pour your pellets into the feeder area of the DTM Loader and swirl.  All the pellets will position themselves perfectly, heads down in the loader. 
    3. Load your FX magazine (with staked pellet) onto the back of the DTM Loader.
    4. Rotate the DTM loader elevator ring. All your pellets will slide directly into your FX magazine. (Note! sometimes a little tap on a table etc. is needed to get all the pellets to drop into the magazine)
    5. Remove the FX magazine from the rear of the DTM loader, reinstall your FX magazine's lid and you are ready to shoot. 

    STUD, DTM Loading System allows direct to magazine sorting and loading into factory FX Impact magazines.

    This will Fit: FX Impact MK2,3 - ..177 x 34 rds, 177 x 38rds, .22 x 28rds , .25 x 23rds, .25 x 25 Rds Magazines (select caliber)

    • The "Stud FX Impact, Factoy Replacement Magazines" will only fit the following DTM Loaders: .177 caliber x 34 rounds, .22 caliber x 28 rounds or .25 caliber x 25 rounds. All STUD DTM's will fit the FX factory magazines for their matching calibers and round counts. Order carefully as FX makes several different round counts for most of their Impact magazines.
    • System elminates the need to hand load any pellets into FX Magazine (except staking pellet)
    • Designed to sort and load JSB and FX Diabolo Pellets into the FX Factory Magazines (select caliber)
    • These WILL NOT sort JSB DIABOLO EXACT MONSTER 25.39g (these are a larger diameter than a standard pellet)
    • These WILL NOT sort Slugs.
    • These WILL NOT sort "Flat Top" style Pellets